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David Attenborough... £5 per purchase donated to WWF charity!

I came up with the idea of HotSquash in 2009 - the same year our first son (Jamie) was born. 
At home, we watch everything David Attenborough! We love him! My son, Jamie, loves Penguins (real or teddy versions!) and saw a programme on how plastic waste is killing his favourite Penguins.
He asked me how many HS clear bags we produced to pack our garments and I said 60000 a year. Well the look on his face shamed me! It was as if I had committed a criminal offence.
After a year of research, we now have 100% recyclable plastic bags. What’s more they are now made in the UK rather than the Far East reducing their carbon foot print.

It’s only a small step and we are committed to doing more. 
For this week, we will be donating £5 per order to David Attenborough’s favourite charity WWF*.

*Please note, HotSquash will make the donation on the behalf of the customer 28 days after this event is over. The payment is based on orders that are kept. 

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